Pricing and Purchase - Compare three versions

The trial is the Professional Version of the program.

Upgrades to Professional are priced at the software cost difference plus a $20 convenience fee.






Work with a spreadsheet interface
Work with odds ratios, risk ratios, risk differences, mean differences, standardized mean differences, and correlations
Enter data for each study in its own format
More than 30 data formats included
Compute the treatment effect (or effect size) automatically
Use ANOVA to assess the impact of moderator variables
Create high-resolution forest plots in Black and White and export to Word
Create high-resolution forest plots in color for export to PowerPoint
Work also with hazard ratios, ratios of events by person years, risks in one group, means in one group, generic effects sizes, and more
Enter data for each study in its own format - more than 100 formats included
Use various mechanisms to assess the impact of publication bias
Work with multiple independent subgroups within studies
Work with multiple outcomes, time-points, or comparisons within studies
Supported entry formats
Use meta-regression to assess the impact of continuous moderator variables, of continuous and/or categorical moderator variables, and interactions
Full support for Windows
Includes license for computing effect size for multi-level studies

"Comprehensive meta‐analysis is so easy to use that a clinician feels absolutely comfortable with it. You only need to have the results from individual studies and follow instructions: you will have calculations and graphs in a way that you can easily interpret. With this software meta‐analysis is not arcane any more: if you can read papers based on this statistical technique you will be able to write them as well."

Prof. Luis Garcia‐Marcos - Professor of Pediatrics, University of Murcia, Spain

"Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis is easy to learn and use, with a clear and friendly interface. The software provides a detailed display of meta‐analytic results plus a wonderful format for presentation of results. It is my favorite software for meta‐analysis of study‐level data."

Joe Cappelleri - Pfizer, Inc.